Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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The Punitentiary

by aurigryphon

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A Kinda Cliched Christmas
"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell hop! Jingly-jing, jing. Jingly jing! Jingle, and jungle, and hoppin' around! Now you're dancing to the jingly sound!"

by buddy33774


Merry Christmas, Fj0rd! Signed, Jhudora
"It's a rotating Christmas tree stand!" Fj0rd said proudly. "I picked it up at a rubbage sale, the owner said it was faerie-made and I think it must've been."

by extreme_fj0rd


One December Evening...
Without noticing the change, they had darted through another thick layering of trees and over a bare, snowy landscape, soon speeding through yet more rows of trees...

by taipeiss


Buzz and Bark
'Tis the season for revenge...

by sharakh

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