The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 143,141,548 Issue: 299 | 6th day of Swimming, Y9
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by blu_ska

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How I Blasted 201 Magmata
In Magma Blaster, you embody the anonymous Alien savior. Disregarding the scorching cinders and lava flow, you must fire at the assortment of rocks...

by master_algie


The Worst Of Luck
Tiv wasn't paying much attention; instead, he was fixated on a strange creature that had wrapped itself around the Wildon's arm. Its white skin shimmered even in the candlelight...

Also by mimed

by flikie


The Completely Foolproof Guide to Yooyuball
Tips and tricks proven by real, actual fools.

by pyrosquirrelx


Altadorian Astrology
Those twelve signs are beings both alive and unique unto themselves. So, too, is each being influenced by many hundreds of factors, few of which can be learned by studying these stars alone...

by micrody

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