White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 143,909,097 Issue: 302 | 27th day of Swimming, Y9
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by plaid_love

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I Want To Be...
a Krawk!

Concept by x__orlando4eva__x

by chikolina


Curse of the Werelupe: Part Six
Suddenly a shiver ran down his spine, and he instinctively turned around to survey the woods around them. A low chuckle made him jump, and a Halloween Lupe stepped out into light of the town. Crimson eyes glinted maliciously...

by rachelindea


Pointless Nonsense - N00b News
Brought to you by Virtupets Inc.

by petfriendamy


The Seven Habits of Highly Annoying Writers
Ticked off with the irritating people on the NW and RP boards? Here's an article about how to deal.

by dotted_dice

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