Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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Hilarious Hissi

by baby_everything

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Dear Neopets Team...
Exposing the dangers of Neopia, one letter at a time. Brought to you by Grey the Uni... who is actually coloured green.

by featherwingedangel


Picturing a Weewoo
What's wrong with that camera!?

Story by tulle_94

by cawzer2


I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Two
Sloth and I had been waiting in line for five hours, and we had just gotten to the front entrance. We were next. I looked up at my 'father', my heart hammering in my chest. What would happen if we failed? What if Skarl didn't like us?

Also by sytra

by chocolateisamust


Tag Can Be So Unfair!
You're it!

Also by _devimon_

by futuremrsharrypotter

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