Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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Wafflecone Comics

by nickulla

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The Fine Art of Battle: Part Two
This sword was much heavier than even the wooden practice blade. I could barely hold up the hilt, let alone lift the blade from the ground. Everyone watched me struggle...

by sweetie_butterfly


The Challenge: Part One
At the moment, he was looking for his two friends. He had just been released from the hospital to hear that neither Flame nor Torch were present in the castle...

by kandeegrrl


Sometimes being evil makes you more popular...

by x_seabee_x


Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Three
Shriek growled, frustrated. She was used to being teased about her coloration. She had to admit, faerie wasn't the most intimidating of colors...

by shinkoryu14

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