teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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The Flip Side : A Complete Breakfast

by __shichan__

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Mugbe's Mugbe
It does look like a bowling ball pin- honestly.

Also by dogensword

by busillis


The Writer's Insight on Writing
A story starts with an idea. The idea may be a bit of dialogue, a scene of action, or a general "what if?" statement.

by torkie10


Deep Secrets: Part Nine
When Demetrius came to, he was lying on a slab of stone somewhere under the ground. He sat up and felt his head. There was no sound, except for a trickle of running water somewhere...

by extreme_fj0rd


Year 9's Top Trends for Halloween Costumes
What to wear: what styles are in, what colours to choose and who to dress up as...

by evie_firebolt

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