The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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Just Filler

by katopia12

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Marketplace of Memories: Part Two
I tried to scream, to hold her back, to tell her in any way I could that the pet at the door was not her little sister. My efforts were in vain. Brushing her dusky-blue fringe from her eyes she placed a paw on the handle and pulled open the door...

by yatomiyuka


Princess Lunara - Kidnapped or Hiding?
I have uncovered a devastating secret; it would change life as we know it on Neopia.

by i_love_mynci_1309


A Sponge Pet is Useful When...
Never ever use a Sponge pet to...

by eternalxdestruction


The Writer's Insight on Writing
A story starts with an idea. The idea may be a bit of dialogue, a scene of action, or a general "what if?" statement.

by torkie10

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