Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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Poor Mutant Buzz

by silent_hawk_wings

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Guide to Slumber Party Survival
You will learn how to avoid sticky situations and, well, basically how to survive a slumber party...

by jenlin_25


Karina, the Math Wiz: Part Two
"Show support... for her?" Karina heard someone behind her mumble. "Yeah right. Like I would show support for that nerd..."

by sweetie_me274


Kadoatie-Wannabe Woes
Whoever made up the name 'Kadoatie-wannabe'...

by fjant


A Day With Fyora
"Fyora's going to deliver a speech. You know how I feel about her; she's my hero!"

by black_skull725

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