Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 177,074,008 Issue: 329 | 8th day of Awakening, Y10
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Silly Paws!

by pirate_ahoy

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Do Not Pull
"She had to run a few errands," answered Vicki. "Is something wrong?"

"An angry mob is chasing me," replied Natu...

by ashflash


The Real Me
I put on my driest, most annoyed sounding voice and spoke to the Lupe. "Foolish Neopet," I said in a booming voice...

by kacheekgirl444


"I think it must be lonely," she said. "The poor light, without any friends..."

by icegirl_sara


Ximera's Home Video: Lollypops for sale!
Step right up! I have beautiful tasty rare lollypops for sale!

Also by hypno_the_cat

by ximera

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