Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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Something Has Happened!

by redish_green

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TheOneThatGoesWoof gets a job
...but for how long?

by pippylouise


Medical Tree: Cure 1
Do you know how much those cost? Pets these days...

by leetmango


Money: Part One
That's the excuse my owner always has, whenever I ask for anything. There's not enough money. We're out of our weekly allowance. It's too expensive...

by icegirl_sara


Neoschool: Where to Send Your Pet
Nothing is particularly special about Neopia Central Neoschool (NCN). If you want your pet to have a well-rounded education covering the essentials, then I recommend Neopia Central for you...

by akari24

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