teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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The NT Times

by xixiwang242

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Great stories!


A Single Prediction: Part Three
It felt wrong withholding information from the person who had hired him. The Techo almost spoke up, but stopped himself. He had a good reason for keeping it quiet.

by be2aware


Flying High: Part Seven
Another look of anger spread over Jhudora's face. "I don't need to cheat or use magic to defeat a puny human like you!" she snapped...

by bugsypal9


Neopian Anomaly
Angry literalists can be dangerous.

by lizica166


Issue 400: A Confession - Part One
So it's not that I was a hooligan, or a down and dirty spy. There are simply the facts...

Also written by sariphe

by chocolateisamust

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