White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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by lolzana

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Great stories!


The Weewoo Nest
Ma says that I shouldn't sit out there for so long, since I'll catch a cold. But I told her that I haven't ever seen a cold, so how could I catch it?

by jayo289


Antagonism: Part One
"Coming!" Golem called, trying again for a deep, calm breath. He took up a tray in his lanky arms and hopped carefully out to their table, which stood right in the center of the restaurant.

by lion_trainer


Unforeseen Adventures: The Tomb - Part Two
Inanna hesitated a second before answering. "Um... Thunder, uh, kind of just saved your life...."

by meghen200


Actions and Words
This part of my story began in the Pound, just like many other Neopets.

by blackghoulmon

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