Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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In the Name of Science

by lombre

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An All Inclusive Guide to Grarrl Day
You may be wondering what is so special about Grarrl Day... maybe not, but that's okay. This guide will help you understand the awesomeness that we call "Grarrl Day."

by xilimirg


Fabulous Fashions - Dress for School Success!
Now that school is starting up again, it's time to think of some stylish pants, skirts, tops, and shoes, oh my! After all, we can't go to class in our pajamas and definitely not in last year's fashions.

Also by lily_evans11

by sk8brdrme


Tara's Shop of So-Called Mystery
True Story

You have been warned...

by mad_4_muffins


The Neopian Food Review: Tyrannian Foods
Possibly the nastiest review yet.

by mrpanda1

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