White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 182,804,412 Issue: 417 | 6th day of Storing, Y11
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Ultimate Genius

by yankee1925

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The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Four
So tell us, Grundo, whom you serve

And we'll treat you accordingly, as you deserve.

by rosabellk


Top 10 Most Useful Advent Calendar Items
The most important thing about collecting is also thinking about the resale value.

by yorble38988


The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Six
"Don't panic! It's ok!" the other one said hastily, holding her arms up. “We're here to help. Listen, Sloth's going to appear very soon..."

by tanikagillam


Inheritance: Part Four
She was convinced that it wouldn't work. Life wasn't like it was for the characters in the tales she had enjoyed...

by shadow_sabre_

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