Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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by arycapricat

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FTW;; Have you ever...?
... wondered about Shoyrus? Well, we have. o_e

Also by invalid_character

by ruby_petal


Grapes of Wrath - The Ultimate Guide
Want to learn more about the Grapes of Wrath and find out the story behind the mayhem?

by jeschman


Fireheart: Part Six
Today was a mock match between Sir Jeran and Sir Remus, and Lady Aroma seemed determined to drag me along and make it miserable for me.

by royal_magicain


The Gray Flower
I knew those woods like the back of my paw. There was no tree I hadn't seen. At least I thought.

by harleen_quinzel_32

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