A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,350,918 Issue: 426 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y12
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It's Hot!

by whirlywindy

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10 Tips for Successful Worm Hunting
Worm hunting is simple, and a frequent pastime of Moltaran children, requiring as it does only an empty lantern and plenty of time.

by redoakcove


Mirror, Mirror!: Part Four
She'd come a long way and had seen a lot of things as a Double Agent, a spy, and a thief, but nothing so much chilled her as this sight.

by shelbymcb85


Dr. Frank Sloth: An Interview
Don't run and hide, little minion, I have a story to tell about Neopian Domination V2010.

by xilimirg


Dr. Sloth
Everyone has a soft side...

by _howdyho124

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