teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 188,131,372 Issue: 436 | 26th day of Running, Y12
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The Adventures of SUPER D!

by _totally_awesome_

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Daily Dare 2010 Conclusion
AAA and Abigail have ended their Daily Dare, and have awarded our their prizes.

by chax1414


Daylight's Dirge: Part One
Pariel touched the controls of his salvager, bringing himself to a stop relative to the scattered chunks of space refuse. Following the battle against Sloth, there had been a great demand for salvagers...

by kittengriffin


The Sloth Who Stole the Negg Festival
"Bring me this Red Plastic Negg!"

by bestevergirlstogethe


An Alternative to the Giant Omelette and Jelly
If you are tired of feeding your Neopets the same old meals every day, then you have found the best guide...

by yuri445

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