Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,131,372 Issue: 436 | 26th day of Running, Y12
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How to Make a Petpage Scrapbook!

A scrapbook is a fantastic way to save all of your fond Neopets memories, thoughts, and achievements. Here are some simple steps and ideas which can help you create your very own petpage scrapbook!

by vimtolollies
Being a Neo-Writer

I've learned a lot about being a writer. I'm here to tell you how you can do it, too.

by 7splat52
Escape From Meridell Castle Ultimate Guide

Welcome! The fact that you're reading this means that you're having trouble completing the game Escape From Meridell Castle.

by thepatriotfan
The Absolute Must Read Guide on Everything Liquid

Since the beginning of time, neopets have been drinking liquids. Yes, awe-inspiring, is it not?

by lynnalice
A 5-Lesson Beginner's Guide to NC Item Trading

You find out that it's retired from the mall. But there's still hope yet since you can actually trade for it.

by akitera
An Alternative to the Giant Omelette and Jelly

If you are tired of feeding your Neopets the same old meals every day, then you have found the best guide...

by yuri445
The (not so confusing) Stock Market!

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS buy at fifteen neopoints a stock!

by thepurplishsock
Daily Dare 2010 Conclusion

AAA and Abigail have ended their Daily Dare, and have awarded our their prizes.

by chax1414
The Official Visitor's Guide to the Festival of Neggs

The Festival of Neggs has finally arrived!

by rtt53
A Classic Joker's Kit for Devious Neopets

I have compiled a perfectly well-rounded kit with all sorts of gadgets and tools that you can use to trick Neoschool classmates, the neighbor's gnome, and even your siblings!

by eggo__mini92
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"The Birth of a Feud" by thropp
Her cheeks were ruddy, her dress was muddy, and her auburn hair was knotted with sticks and leaves. On her feet was a scuffed pair of Wellington Boots that seemed to be a few sizes too big for the small earth faerie. Miss Hildegard smiled kindly and wrapped her arm around the new girl's shoulders, trying to avoid getting the sleeves of her dress dirty...

Other Stories


Hannah and The Golden Dubloon
Ever thought of Hannah before she became Hannah the Brave, adventurer of Neopia?

by dudeiloled


A Rainbow Dream
The Rainbow Chomby sat curled up in a corner, staring up into Faerieland blankly.

by candy_fish_popcorn


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: The Onyx Isle - Part Ten
Avalon found himself skittering across the stony island, less like a heroic Noil Gem Guardian than a panicked Snowbunny spotted by a pack of hungry Lupes. Scarback's lava walls continued to erupt, behind him, in front of him, at his sides...

by cpmtiger


Friends Forever: Part Two
"You're right, Grace," he said quietly. "We can't let her get to the knights."

by crazymomskid1



by cutiegreen9


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles (Part 3 of 3)

by pikemaster1

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