For an easier life Circulation: 179,399,125 Issue: 441 | 30th day of Eating, Y12
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Impromptu Shenanigans!

by kittyforte

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Very Punny
A good pun works well in any situation. And a bad pun, well...

by not_so_shorty_12


Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part Two
"No, Jacques. There’s far more to it than you could ever imagine."

I knew it, Garin thought.

by medit92


I don't think about them. It's impossible to know when they'll arrive, and when they do, there's no stopping them.

by reggieman721


A Slorg in the Bakery!
It was as he bent down to see into one of the lower cupboards that he made eye contact with the Slorg, which was still in hiding behind the measuring cups.

by bashmina_pashmina

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