The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 179,399,125 Issue: 441 | 30th day of Eating, Y12
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Dinner Disaster

This should be fun.

Idea by dutchese159

by lightfpower

Nonsensical Senses

I'm going to play a joke!

Also by imogenweasley

by jockylocky

A Bite of Life

You have to wonder...

Also by never_look_back

by horsecrazyirishgirl



Also by semicutie3

by larkspurlane

Last Halloween...


by samyuli
Kiochi - Books

That's why I'm way better than you, Jhudora...

by chibino
The Zanuxar & Puknot Show: Kacheek Go Round

Resistance is still futile.

by wingsofathena
The Trick of Snorkle Snouting


by geestelijk
Altador Cup V

A new and controversial team joins the games....

by sceloglaux
The White Weewoos go to work

Just another day working on the Neopian Times.

by monkeysrcomintogetu
Dark Woods - Do You Believe in Ghosts?


by schafersheperd
Something Has Happened!

Oh, hi!

by allison_kitty11
Illusen & Jhudora

Look at those two... always bickering.

by 1992jk1995
That's the Point!: No Sense of Humor

Where Aaethus gets a ghost makeover.... Without a paintbrush. Note to Self: Do not make grumpy older sisters angry.

by sisterhood_of_blades

It's gonna take longer than that.

by uzzleuzzlepuffpuff

He's not the smartest baby.

by geckobubbles
Nifty - Birthday Mishaps

You got me this?!

by kakashiluva
The Best Joke Ever

a Xweetok minicomic about the best joke EVER. ;3

by angelusfelis
Smelly Wearables!

*sniff sniff*

by lilyed
Every Bad Guy...

...has a soft side.

by leksikake
Usuls Plus One - Petpets

That's the problem with invisible shopkeepers. D:

by maraqua_berry
The Esophagor's Information

Feeed Meee!!

by holladios
Illusen's Quest

Maybe Jhudora's quests are better...

Also by kablooom

by strangelydim

Impromptu Shenanigans!

Ferocious neggs are nasty little things, aren't they?

by kittyforte

No one can learn THAT much.

by jcrchan

The Haunted Woods makes for interesting fishing.

by ghostkomorichu
Use Your Imagination

Yes, Ripclawz is the Battledomer, but only because the others were too aggressive.

by shadowstrand
Star Gazers

I got all these from Kelp!

by neojedi11
Random Oddness

Ah, fire pets..

by mistyqee
For all JubJub owners out there...

JubJub clothes shopping is rather limited, don't you think?

by oliviagrace18
Fired Up

Can you really take the heat?

by jewelyanna
Brown Family Tales

What'cha reading?

by fizbrown2
Do the Monocle Munch!


by snackbox
Very Punny

A good pun works well in any situation. And a bad pun, well...

by not_so_shorty_12
Odd Spots

An (un)lucky accident?

by sparkygoesforth
Search the Neopian Times


"Cellblock" by fiery_sky
They boggle at me. They wonder why I'm under such tight security. I suppose they have a right to wonder; after all, I am but a timid, undersized Korbat. What on Neopia could I do to escape such tight security? No one would expect me to be able to, and yet, here I am, tied up and chained. Security pays attention to me thrice as much as the other prisoners...

Other Stories


The Tyrannian Shopkeeper Switch
"It's time for Verusha, the Master Detective, to get to the bottom of this..."

by lupe_hunter_7


The First Relic
There's nothing wrong with being a little bit normal.

by mintacia


Snowglobes: Winter Wonderland in a Bottle
When you find yourself lounging in the sun on a warm spring day, longing for the winter season, your snow globe will act as a reminder of the charming, frosty conditions to come.

by danceswithpampers


Key Quest! Finding Your Perfect Token!
This is to help assist everyone in finding their perfect Key Quest token.

by sportsandmusic69


To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part Five
"I'm sorry," muttered Tally. "It just kind of made sense. New look, new name. You know?"

by water_glass


Potion 319: Part One
"I told you, not one of these potions ever would harm anybody! He must have added something or tampered with it," Kauvara insisted.

by chax1414

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