Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 179,399,125 Issue: 441 | 30th day of Eating, Y12
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Very Punny

by not_so_shorty_12

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You believe Vex invented the game on his own? That is only partly correct. I'm the one who planted the idea in his head.

by fiery_sky


All About Baby Pets!
So here you are, minding your own business when all of a sudden Boochi comes out of nowhere and zaps your precious Grey Uni into a Baby Uni!

by aggirl169


The Zanuxar & Puknot Show: Kacheek Go Round
Resistance is still futile.

by wingsofathena


I don't think about them. It's impossible to know when they'll arrive, and when they do, there's no stopping them.

by reggieman721

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