Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 182,428,743 Issue: 462 | 24th day of Gathering, Y12
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Hard Times

by depraving

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Great stories!


Greetings! # 1
How does your Neopet greet others?

by starcinnamon


Why the 36th Most Popular Pet Bluma-RULES
TNT has graciously blessed the Blumaroo with qualities that are nearly unmatchable by every other Neopet Species.

by uniquepplz


The Lonely Little Kacheek
You would think that every Neopet in the world would love to be able to go to Neopia Central and buy whatever they want. But not me.

by artsychik_14


We Want Lunch
"I just can't keep up with you," she had said. "And that name... well, it just says it all!"

by _sme_

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