Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 182,995,662 Issue: 470 | 19th day of Storing, Y12
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Something Has Happened!: The Lantern

by poposandr

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Too Hot For Snow
Yup. Not cold enough enough for snow.

by strawberry_honey


Genesis: Part Two
Water damage has disabled the video feed through the mobile equipment, but having seen what monstrous sights my new world of Slothopia has to offer, it would appear to be something of a blessing in disguise.

by d_morton


Bedtime Reading
Then he looked up at his older sister. "Quijj, read to me." 

"That's nice," the Pteri replied absently, turning the page.

by moriwen


The Life of an Avatar Pet
Poor avatar pets. When they get transferred to your account, you want them to enjoy their stay, no?

by hellehond

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