There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 182,995,662 Issue: 470 | 19th day of Storing, Y12
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Short Stories


His favorite spot in the shop was in the far back, a place where most customers never bothered to go, where tiny spyders lived in the corners and spun silken designs in their webs.

by vanessa1357924680
The Revenge of the Pant Devil

I opened the front door expecting to see the happy Christmas figure of a Bruce. Instead, Montu had tears streaming down her face.

by absdafabs
Bedtime Reading

Then he looked up at his older sister. "Quijj, read to me." 

"That's nice," the Pteri replied absently, turning the page.

by moriwen

A Story in Which the Title Was Eaten by a Lupe

Mr. Grundo put on the hat and ambled over to the mirror. It was a very jaunty hat. He liked it.

Also by esperonza14

by crazy_holly_ii

A Play About Nobody and Nothing

If Somebody comes by, they could always take a nap upstairs, I guess, while Nobody is sleeping in that chair.

by mamasimios
The Meaning of Family

"Are we there yet?"

I groaned. That was the twenty-fourth time Maya had asked. Honest, I was keeping track.

by uberdancingdolphin

Tale of... Whoa, that was unexpected!

Most of Neovia has become rather bland, but there are rumors of things that go bump in the night. Whenever someone is suspicious of their neighbor, they send me to investigate.

by smudgeoffudge
Snowager's Shadow

Everyone knows that he has a pile of treasure in that cave and that he guards it day and night. But has anybody ever seen him leave that cave?

by annuuna
The Legend of the Brain Tree

Twilight had set over the Haunted Woods.

by jace_on_the_flip
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Cheap and Healthy Food

If my pets love anything, they love an omelette smothered with bacon and cheese and broccoli and onions when they stumble out of bed in the morning, and who doesn't like saving a few extra Neopoints on food now and then? Those users with more than one or two pets will agree that food can be expensive, and there are so many ways to get free food that sometimes it's not necessary to pay for any at all! With that, here is my list of the top five Neopian foods that can be attained for 0 Neopoints and will provide your pet with a healthy and balanced...

Other Stories


Top 12 Apple Treats!
Apples are delicious on their own, but can be even better when used to create a baked delight, or as a finishing touch to a festive meal.

by xoxkar


Hunger Relief
Find out why your Neopet will never become famished.

by mypetsandi


The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Ten
Milk grabbed my arm and, making sure he had my attention, sent me an intense look that I've gotten from Xaea a lot. Don't do anything stupid.

by xaetear


Sophie's Return: Part Four
It turned out that Mr. Slytri's castle was rather well-hidden for a castle, and much closer to Neovia than any of them previously thought, including the one of the three that had actually been to the castle.

by chimaera9


Too Hot For Snow
Yup. Not cold enough enough for snow.

by strawberry_honey


Random Oddness #24
Rigged? Not at all.

by mistyqee

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