Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,097,671 Issue: 568 | 26th day of Collecting, Y14
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Lame Pun Presents: Treat-R-Treating

by blackaavar

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Sassi Comics: Halloween Party
*knock, knock*

by seiya_from_ashes


Furs Place
I can't think of a better way to spend Halloween.

by pichu_pikachu_raichu


Beneath a Pumpkin Moon: Part Four
"There he is," Glop said softly. "The Brain Tree." Tears formed at the edges of his eerily green eyes. "If Dusty's not there with him... What am I gonna do? It really is all my fault; I never should've gotten cross with him."

by lilahne_aluoki


Storm of Fortunes: Part Six
"Tyson, we'll try this one more time. Look into the mirror."

"No!" He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and curled up into a ball.

by thorndove

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