The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 190,692,040 Issue: 582 | 15th day of Awakening, Y15
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Beach Time!

by andy94174

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How Nifty
Quintilc fun!

by kirimiso


The Faerie Ball
"Uhm... see... uh... about this faerie ball thing coming up... Wait... How do you know my name?" Cora began.

by black_skull725


Just when you thought you hit it big...

by woofwoof96


Enchanted Stories: Adventure on the High Seas - Part One
"There are plenty of cruise ships that depart from Mystery Island. We might go to the island for a few weeks to start, and finish with an ocean cruise. We haven't taken a vacation outside of Meridell in forever..."

by kristykimmy

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