A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 190,692,040 Issue: 582 | 15th day of Awakening, Y15
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Continued Series

The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Ten

Drevni let out another roar, the gigantic Globilol floating above the heart of Neopia Central. One of the creature's tendrils let off a blast of magic which impacted in the city, flattening an entire street.

by herdygerdy
Infinity II: Control - Part Six

Nobody saw the red Acara sitting on the edge of the flat rooftop. But she saw everything.

by blueys45
Overboard: Part Five

"I can't believe this is happening. What are we going to do? How am I ever going to get home?" Xepen cried, sitting down in the hot sand.

by allison_kitty11
Jewel's Journal: Summer - Part Three

What you're supposed to do: You pay a fee for registration. That's the major CHARITY part of the event. After you fill up the registration form with the typical registration things, you sashay over to the competition area, and make your soup.

Art by gelert548

by gelert548

Overture: Part Two

The two pets gazed up thoughtfully, their eyes scanning the featureless boxes that housed the richest collection of artefacts ever to grace Neopia.

by d_morton
The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles - Part Two

Katrina yawned in the greyish light of early dawn. She wasn't a morning person by nature, but they had to catch a stagecoach – a stagecoach, of all things – to get into the Haunted Woods, and it left early.

by saphira_27
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Don't Eat Your Veggies

Anyone who's been around Neopia as much as I have, has seen these cute little Neopets at one time or another. Unlike other Neopets, Chias do not simply become a "painted pet" when dipped, zapped, or fed their magical Chia pops. They are completely morphed into a fruit or vegetable, with a new shape, size and color. With Chia Day upon us again, I have decided to travel Neopia and interview a couple of these...

Other Stories


Theo stared into the abyss; that is, he looked longingly at the blank cream-colored sheet held in the typewriter.

by acrossthemultiverse


The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Best Offense
"Spring, slow down!" 

Spring cackled happily as she flew through Happy Valley on her broomstick...

by daniecelpines


A Rebuttal - Hagan is Definitely Better!
Are you still on Team Skarl? Well, here are five indisputable reasons why King Hagan is better.

Also by dr_tomoe

by agedbeauty


Why You Shouldn't Eat Your Veggies
With the 18th day of Awakening just around the corner, I'd like to take some time to talk about one of the most wonderful species of Neopets: Chias.

by chye_baby


Food Competition
Do you think you can beat me?! Haha!

by aruanahansel


The Goofers - Anything Will Do
Is he even listening?

by lintsuf

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