Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,692,040 Issue: 582 | 15th day of Awakening, Y15
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100% Boochi Free!

by robinhoodfan

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The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Ten
Drevni let out another roar, the gigantic Globilol floating above the heart of Neopia Central. One of the creature's tendrils let off a blast of magic which impacted in the city, flattening an entire street.

by herdygerdy


Becoming my Destiny
You have stumbled on a tale of woe of the saddest kind. This story tells the tale of a foolish and naive young neopet who sought to be something special, but lost a little something along the way...

by marauder_on_da_loose


Coexisting makes life more comfortable.

by midnight_star411


Desert Memories
The Pink Kyrii sat silently, looking over the Desert from her perch on the rock. Moonlight glinted off the sand, giving it a silvery appearance. The night was quiet.

by meadows_lark

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