Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,737,160 Issue: 584 | 1st day of Running, Y15
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by emeraldpaws

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Overture: Part Four
A pulse. 

Her eyes snapped open, dispelling the image that had settled before her as she slept and revealing the familiar vista of galaxies she had grown accustomed to over her years.

by d_morton


Eight Ways to Remember Sloth
How could people be so cruel and forget Dr. Sloth, the evil genius, so easily?

by codswobble


Seems Legit
At some rundown space-cafe...

by shamaela


Mysteries of Neopia
Today, I – Terroryse, Faerie Krawk – and my faithful Reptillior, Nagini, shall aim to highlight the more absurd of these questions in the hope an answer can be found.

by shaded_arceus

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