White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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Sketch Parade

by glitt_

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Song of Silence: Part Two
"It's a chalk-board, see?" Damien took it from her and drew on it using the stub of white chalk tied to a string. "Once we teach you to write, you'll be able to communicate just like us."

by fields_of_gold


The Elbuort Chronicles: Job Shadowing
"We're supposed to job shadow someone for Career Week," announced Avatar Elbuort one evening at dinner.

by daniecelpines


Sloppily Colored Funstuffs
Reading is bad, don't do it!

by thesevenwonders


From the Side
What does a war - or any event for that matter - look like when you can't participate? When all you can do is watch?

by supercomputer276

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