Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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Faction Leaders?

by natural_gal123

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Great stories!


Sir Reginel and the Case of the Secret Admirer
While the lettering on the door was backwards from where I was sitting, to people standing it front of it the words were clear: "Sir Reginel; Private Investigator".

by coco_bella


You look different...
Super retro!

by jb_rocky


Dress like the Faeries: Part 3
Illusen the Earth Faerie

by minemoe


Song of Silence: Part Two
"It's a chalk-board, see?" Damien took it from her and drew on it using the stub of white chalk tied to a string. "Once we teach you to write, you'll be able to communicate just like us."

by fields_of_gold

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