Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,502,891 Issue: 608 | 16th day of Hiding, Y15
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Ladder Disaster

by saiyamewomen

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The Tree of Pillar Grove: Part Ten
Flicker wore a cloak that blocked his glow and he had taken one of Wingen's yellow gems that turned him invisible. But Lampyri –as adamant about being stealthy as she was- insisted that it wasn't enough.

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Rogue and Rover: Part Five
Rahm was clearly intent on being a knight in shining armor, despite the fact that the little fire Korbat was small enough that Kanrik could beat him in a fight with one hand tied behind his back...

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A Treatise of Departures
To begin, you never cared for company. Pretentious socialites in the face of existence, you always said.

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Squid Slippers - Grundo Fanatic
Why do you become a raging maniac?

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