Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,502,891 Issue: 608 | 16th day of Hiding, Y15
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Menacing Meercas

To celebrate Meerca Day I thought it would be fun to take an in-depth look at the Meerca species.

by quiggles_r_kewl_1
Stocking Your Shop Easily and Cheaply

Running a shop is hard. Running a *successful* shop is even harder.

by lolitamuse9
Feeling Lucky?

You've got to find the games you're already good at and practice them again and again until you can achieve a high score and even then you've got to hope no one (or very few people) get better than you... Or you can rely on luck.

by usukii
Top 12 Items for Arts-tastic Customisation

Sometimes I like to dress my girls in fashions that can reflect and inspire my love for reading, writing, and the arts.

by auraichadora
How to be a Customisation Spotlight Winner

Have you always looked at this spiffy, shining star trophy but you've never managed to get it for any of your pets?

Also by amarillida

by martia_elior

Battleground Boons

The Obelisk Battleground is a new permanent site feature that followed the Tyrannia: Obelisk war which ran from February 11, 2013 to March 17, 2013.

by vancouverite2010
12 Best User Lookup Shields

Of course, not all shields are created equal. Some are more eye-catching, more adorable, or more epic than the rest.

by turtling
Musings of an Old-Timer

In the end, I was delighted to find that Neopia is the same at heart as it was back in Year 3 when I opened my first account.

by denn81
Usuki Style: A Customisation Guide

With the approaching arrival of the Annual Usuki Doll Convention, it is important for Usuki fans to know how they will style themselves for this year's Usukicon.

Also written by emziie

by coco_bella

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"Make a Wish" by alex9292
The Wishing Well sat atop a grassy hill in Neopia Central. A dusty path, which over the years had been worn by thousands of stampeding feet, ran from the well all the way back to the plaza. On this day, as any other, the path was full of Neopians who had come in their droves to make a pledge to the well. Bustling to and fro were pets of all shapes and sizes rehearsing their wishes and crossing their fingers, claws...

Other Stories


A Little Help From My Friend
"You will do three tasks that meepits commonly do. If you do all three without failure, you may stay."

by wolfsaver654


A Treatise of Departures
To begin, you never cared for company. Pretentious socialites in the face of existence, you always said.

by antique_bird


Pystry's Elemental Odyssey: Part Four
His three adventures meeting experts in water, earth, and air had earned him 150 jelly beans so far, halfway to the 300 he needed. Finding an expert in fire had proved more challenging.

by peirigill


Against All Odds: Part Three
"Now, drop and give me twenty!"

Ernie just stared blankly back at him, his eyes still crusty from sleep. "Twenty, what?" he questioned, baffled.

by meganhilty


Expectation vs. Reality
Something has happened!

by kiwilovesbigbang


Pizza Cutter - Toys
Even plushies like plushies.

by nenowat

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