Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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Wanna Buy an Invisible Paint Brush?

by andy94174

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Great stories!


Greatest Autumn-looking Items: Part 1
The greatest autumn-looking items ever made.

Also by omgitspuppeh

by sosunub


Presumably Safe
"I've never been to the Lost Desert before!" The little Zafara bounded excitedly from one stall to another.

by almedha


The Metal Lutari: Part Three
We all had our own benches to work at, tons of supplies were spaced out around the huge room, and we basically could do whatever we wanted. We tinkered, we tested and we invented.

by katiepfeil


Happy Birthday, Neopets!
Our Neopets would like to be perfect on this day so we thought of three different birthday-themed customisations using only multispecies neopoints wearable items.

Also by martia_elior

by amarillida

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