Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,004,471 Issue: 623 | 6th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Shopping With Glumpkin

by ragecandybar

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Just Me
My Safety Deposit Box

by pinksparklesz


Fallen, Fallen
"The older among you will have felt it, and the younger may well have heard the whispers. The faeries are gone. Faerieland is falling."

by emblo93


"Illusen, this is rich." Jhudora snorts and flings her copy of the Neopian Times at me. "They're calling it 'The Faeries' Ruin.' Ha!"

by the_pie_love


The Island of Mist: Part Seven
In his cave home, Tsizhao was picking root vegetables when he felt something like lightning run through him. He jumped to his feet with a start and bolted for the entrance to his cave. Looking up, he saw wisps of purple clouds fading to nothing...

by lizzy_beth_750551

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