Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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Great Things in Life Aren't Always Free...

by mysticdarkangel925

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Great stories!


Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Nine
Kira formed a fist with her hand as she growled. "There is absolutely NO way that I'm going to surrender my circlet to you, Hanso! And you better tell Rosia that right away!"

by downrightdude


Just Another Day
It was very kind of you to visit this worn little plushie.

Original concept by miss_schmoopsiepoo

by miacirclegirl


In The Heat Of The Moment: Part One
"There has never been one single reported case of the Snowager having eaten anybody."

"Well, that's only because it's difficult to make a report... when you're being digested!"

by horripilated


Happy Birthday!: Top 14 Items to Celebrate Birthdays
Another year older for our beloved Neopets, and now it's time to celebrate!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682

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