White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,587,585 Issue: 654 | 18th day of Swimming, Y16
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by jambammer

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Better Men
The first thing the Darkest Faerie ever did for King Altador was save his life.

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Defenders Origins - Judge Hog
The muscular Moehog stared at the blue lantern in the center of the room as it gently flickered.

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Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and We Hate Hanso Club 2: Part Two
Nabile and Brynn looked around with wide eyes, taking in everything. Hannah watched them with a grin...

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5 Underestimated Neopets... Redeemed!
An inside look at some of Neopia's least favorites, along with a few of their cool traits that most Neopians don't notice.

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