Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,587,585 Issue: 654 | 18th day of Swimming, Y16
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New Series

Professor Clodbottle's Assistant: Part One

Professor Milton Clodbottle tweaked his monocle to inspect the Mootix more closely...

by goodsigns
The Flight of Faerieland: Part One

Queen Fyora sat at a round table, across from Lord Darigan. The leaders did not make eye contact and there was not a bit of conversation.

by black_skull725
Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part One

Norman shook his head and sighed, cursing his luck. Why, oh why, had they sent him instead of some other Grooming Parlour worker to fetch the Super Conditioner from the storage area?!

by flufflepuff
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"The Pursuit of Greatness" by dhullu
Night patrol. It was the time when all the bustle and lustre of Brightvale was lost to a cloak of darkness and an eerie silence that seemed to hum with possible threats. It made Brynn's fur stand on end as she stepped out of the castle gates. "I'll see you all reporting back here in the morning," said the captain, as he scanned the group of guards who were going on duty, his voice loud...

Other Stories


It Takes a Hero
On a quiet, ordinary summer's day, a white Usul sat crossed-legged at the library's circulation desk...

by parody_ham


Even villains can be heroic... when the situation calls for it.

by stararan


5 Underestimated Neopets... Redeemed!
An inside look at some of Neopia's least favorites, along with a few of their cool traits that most Neopians don't notice.

by plasticlizards


Seven Heroic Petpets
Every hero needs a sidekick and every Neopet needs a Petpet.

by chavo_guerrero


Ink: The Unwilling Hero
A Sequel to The Villain's Editorial



Welcome To My Life
Introducing a new character, Kyon.

by jambammer

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