Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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Ooky Spooky

by wicka96

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Great stories!


How Donny Fixes Toys
I decided to ask Donny about his toy repairing skills and how he's able to repair certain types of toys and a few special ones.

by pikachu315111


Shadow Gulch
It is early July when the relentless glow of summer falls upon this contemptible place.

by xxskyisfallingxx


Surprise, Surprise!
As he was dreaming about battling a strange Chia warlock with an even stranger moustache, he was woken by a loud rap on his door.

by psychedelicreature


Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Why yes, it is my birthday.

by stoicjohn

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