Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,064,531 Issue: 678 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Aisha Soup: Hagglin'

by the_shii

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Daily Problems
Petpets don't have the best attention span.

Also by jessica_sweetie8

by johannabelle2009


How Shop Clearing May Work
Curious on how a shop cleared while haggling on an item?

by mike11695


Jhudora Reviews Illusen’s Glade Rewards
What are Jhudora's opinions on Illusen's quests, specifically on the rewards that she gives?

by pikachu315111


Juicing Meepits
Meepits are usually viewed as creepy and terrifying, and whilst they may appear intent to cause you harm when you bump into one, maybe they're just thirsty?

by asparagation

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