There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,350,746 Issue: 685 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Aisha Soup: Welcome, Aaiyi!

by the_shii

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Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! Part 3
What in the Freaky Factory is going on?

by roxanna203


Super Secret Club: Nightmare Cousins
It takes them a moment to realise that there is no shout of excitement as they make their entrance, or the sound of tiny feet on the path, racing out to meet them. Something must be very wrong.

by xpninja


Scarab Queen
The constitution meeting was to take place in the throne room – this served as a not-incredibly-subtle reminder from Jazan about who exactly was in charge here.

by saphira_27


The Adventures of Trina: The Two Islands - Part Four
"Don't be afraid!" she heard him call with a mouthful of water. "I'm right here! Grab my hand!"

by ummagine3284

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