The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,350,746 Issue: 685 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Architecture of Neopia: Neovia

The architecture is probably the most important aspect of cultural life in Neovia and it displays its own unique style unheard of before

by arkwright
The Top 10 Active Community Sites in Neopia

Grab some tea and have a seat while you read. Possibly gather some new inspiration or improve your account as you browse the list.

by cheese_louise
10 Things We Did While The Neopian Times Was Gone

At the very least, enjoy this reprieve from the hectic schedule of your day-to-day Neopian pursuits! Also by Synneblynn

by j_harkness
The Fortunes You Didn’t Know You Had

You could be a neomillionaire! That’s right—you! You might just not know it yet.

by yellowpagebeatdown
A Quiz to Help you Choose the Right Petpet!

Hopefully after taking my quiz your neopet will finally be content with its new appropriate petpet and allow you to spend your neopoints on other things.

by facetiousmind
Five Make-It-Yourself Recipes for Summer

When it’s so hot that you’d rather stay inside than go out to eat, try these refreshing treats with your Neopets!

by josephinefarine
The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #7

Don't spend your holiday in a tent! Read a review from your buddy, Brent! Unless you like holidays in tents.

by cadetbush
The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 2

The truth must be heard, so here it is. The middle sister of the Faerieland royals, and heir to Queen Fyora’s crown is…

by puddydog
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"The Secret to It Is..." by skutterbotched
It’s tough, being the new guy. Even if I’ve been on the team for eight years, our team hasn’t had a roster change since I joined Darigan Citadel for the second Altador Cup. I’ve heard the hushed whispers, seen the stares. There’s a rumor that we haven’t come close to winning again because of me. That the only reason we won the second ‘Cup was because it was still new, and Darigan Citadel was the first powerhouse of a team.

Other Stories


A Rubber Plant Castle Tale: The Dead Bearog
She picked up a little creature by the scruff of its neck. One head whimpered. She surveyed the area for its owner. A second head whined. There was no one to be found... Interesting.

by watersprite112


I'm Actually Scared of Heights
"I want to see you fly."

by cervidummy


Mother's Balloon
She jumped for it... That was the day Reyela's life changed.

by dewdropzz


Scarab Queen
The constitution meeting was to take place in the throne room – this served as a not-incredibly-subtle reminder from Jazan about who exactly was in charge here.

by saphira_27


Trouble in Paradise: Colors
Neopia is turning grey.

by chasing_stars44


Price of Justice
Justice doesn't always pay.

by lockord

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