Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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Trouble in Paradise: Random Events

by chasing_stars44

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Vegeterrible - Part 1
Everyday struggles of being a fruit/veggie chia

by pirate_11


Dandilion Tails in 'Screams of the Vegetables'
Why would you need a loc- oh my Fyora.

by dandilion_crucifix


Downtime With Dr. Sloth
Just a peek into the life of our famous ruler when he's not ruling.

by vanillafilth


Dances With Werelupes: Part One
“This is an outrage!” Blynn679 backhanded the front page of the Neopian Times. The Disco Zafara’s magenta tail lashed behind her in frustration as she paced around the library of her family’s Altador villa. Her Faerie Draik brother edged over her shoulder to look at the headlines. “What’s an outrage?” ArPharazonTheGolden asked. “This!” Blynn pointed to the largest text on the page: PREPARATIONS FOR ANNUAL CHOCOLATE BALL UNDERWAY.

by cosmicfire918

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