Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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Behind the Screens: Wheeler's Wild Ride

by globetrekker

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The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part One
Princess Clarity Ryan was sitting in the private study of the castle. Her tutor was droning on and on about the history of Altador and how it affects them. Clarity was growing weary. She hadn’t been sleeping well for the past week due to nightmares of the war...

by purplbrooke


Through the Woods: Part One
It wasn't often a fight broke out in the throne room. In fact, a fight really never broke out in the throne room. The only arguments that the queen had seen erupt in her throne room was a few between guards, and that one occurence with Jhudora and Illusen as always. Yet, here the faerie sat, watching with mild shock and slight amusement as a screaming match ensued right in front of her eyes.

by melina322


Kad Problems?!

Also by industrial.

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When a Vacation Isn't a Choice
"Greetings, subject group 647-B. My name is Phidre, and today you will be testing a few of the Space Station’s latest technological devices, including the much-anticipated Nebula Force Field Generator. I presume you have all signed and read the safety waivers…” The microphone in Phidre’s ear crackled. A voice boomed into her ear, mixed with static. “Dr. Phidre, you don’t have any subjects today,

by guineagymnastics

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