Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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The Baker

by cherokee165

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At the End of the Day
Narineth finds a kindred spirit in the equally muscular Uchiha.

by ezel68


Everytime Again
Oh Those Kacheeks

by mustikeuh121


Vegeterrible - Part 1
Everyday struggles of being a fruit/veggie chia

by pirate_11


How to be a Better Skeith, for Skeiths
Every Skeith is born with an inner feeling of Skeith-yness, and you have to let it glow and hope other Neopets like you for it. My Skeith, Filthy, and I have compiled a list of nine ways that you can really channel your inner disgustingness whilst softening the Skeith image

by codswobble

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