Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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NeoPaper: Bored, Bored, Bored!

by mbredboy31

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part One
“I don't like this plan,” Aisheena said, watching over the monitor as the guards entered the cell. “I've read her file; she was a real psychopath. We have one Nefarious trained villain running around; this could so easily blow up in our faces.”

“Yes, it very well could,” Loraine acceded. “However, we're no closer to finding Iniquitous as it is, and we're out of options.”

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Slipping Through
Being a guard ain't easy.

Idea by: coolnish_azn101

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Supply and Demand
I had no idea rocks were so expensive and was near crushed (pun intended) to find out.

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Another Weird Thing About Water Pets
But it works so well!

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