There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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Continued Series

Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Nine

Almost all of Meegla’s acts in her fight against Kanrik seemed to be focussed on getting away from him. She kept backing up from his advances, until he had forced her all the way up the dungeon’s steps. Fargon realized with growing horror that, backed up against the door, Meegla’s only escape would be to go tumbling off the side of the staircase, which would leave her too injured to fight back.

by hybatsu
The Amulet's Curse: Part Six

Today was the day. Amira desperately suppressed her nerves as she thought about what was coming ahead. Up until this point, her only thought was about protecting Neopia. She was afraid to admit it, even to herself, but she was scared.

by corrina404
Neoquest II: The Forgotten Heroine: Part Two

Terror Mountain had always been a pretty short stage, but it was even shorter in this game. Doctor wasn’t that bad, and Eirika was still getting those sick pauses. Arthur had spent most of his points on getting Doctor group healing and shielding, and hadn’t spent any on the anti-sickness thing.

by rider_galbatorix
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20 Things To Do in Neopia

Good morning fellow Neopians! I am a member of the newest pet species to Neopia, the Vandagyre family. We were first born just over a year ago, on the 15th day of Storing, Y16. At the time of writing this article, I have been here for 372 days. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. When I first arrived in Neopia, I was very lost and disoriented. At first glance, Neopia seemed like an overwhelming place to explore. I was dropped off in Neopia Central with my fellow pets, and we were only shown a few nearby places. The rest was up to me and the other Vandagyres to figure out on our own. In retrospect, I wish that someone gave me a list when I first arrived, like a bucket list of the best things to do and see in all of Neopia. That would have really helped to get me started on my travels, and to figure out what places to visit first. I would like the next new species that comes to Neopia to have a better starting point and know where to begin on the grand tour of their new home.

Other Stories


Supply and Demand
I had no idea rocks were so expensive and was near crushed (pun intended) to find out.

by vanillafilth


Tis The Season
Heather was a frustrated writer. She was shot down twelve times by the Neopian Times, each with saying they had to many good stories this week, or her story wasn't quite what they were looking for. She smiled bitterly down at three pages with messy scrawl. Why couldn't they just tell her the truth? She was an awful writer.

by indigo_sky_22


Wintery Games - Snow Wars II
Who doesn't love some cool game in this cool winter?

by royal_real


Dr. Sloth: Evil or Not?
When you think about Dr. Frank Sloth the first thing that pops up in your head is some wicked olive green dude obsessed with neopian world domination, giving out mysterious transmogrification potions that turn pets into horrifying creatures. There's no possible way that this guy could be anything but bad. Or is there?

by g_dragon411


Another Weird Thing About Water Pets
But it works so well!

by dirigibleplums


(IN)SANE - New Look
Being able to fly away? No fair!

by rocksockgirl95

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