Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,761,390 Issue: 705 | 30th day of Collecting, Y17
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Or Something Like It: Wrap Battle

by kittie_orion

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Accident Prone
Frozen apple.

by hauntedbywonderland


The Evil-ution of Edna
They all start somewhere

Artwork by lucifael.

by iluminescent


Neopian Dining: “Trick-or-Treat” Edition
Welcome to an extra-spooky installment of Neopian Dining, where I take you around Neopia in search of its most amazing foods! Tonight, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the homes of Neopia’s best candy: the places where you can get the most for your Neopoint and ensure all your trick-or-treaters leave your porch happy!

by lycheeprincess


An Unexpected Appearance
Wow, that's all it takes?

by fooshfuush

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