Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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Good Intentions

by realidade

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Great stories!


'Tis the Season
They've gotta do something in the winter, right?

by pirate_11


Feliz Novadad
Holiday decorating is harder than it seems.

Also by fooshfuush.

by labmom953


Eclectic Antics: the Gift Thief, Part III
Our heroes question if Christmas really needed saving at all...

by amarettoball


Christmas Outfits for the Day of Giving
The most wonderful time of year is upon us again! Christmas joy can be heard throughout Neopia for this years Day of Giving. Listed below are some Christmas themed customizations for you to try. Many of us dress up in our neatest and best outfits for Christmas, so why not extend the same to your pets? There is a theme for everyone!

by gattacaa

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