White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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It's So Cutie!

by saudadesdagripe

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Ink: Full Circle
Then we'll find a way to tell your story.

by june_scarlet


Agent 42
Jacob flicked the switch on the coal-sorter and waited on baited breath. This would be the one, surely. The Christmas Kacheek had spent far too many hours on the device for it to backfire again. Slowly one steam-powered rotor began to turn and moved the coal from one pile into its internal furnace. It worked just as planned: a breakthrough, in his eyes.

by opossumman


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Six
“Darigan's army mobilized over an hour ago and they are systematically sweeping the city. If Morguss and the Painted Lady are in the Citadel, they will find them. It's just a matter of time now,” Loraine said, keeping her eyes on the monitors while she spoke.

by kristykimmy


Shopkeepers: The Truth Behind the Counter
And then I did a double-take. Because the shopkeeper was none other than Fyora herself. Her Royal Faerie Highness was standing there behind the counter, waving as I left the store dumbstruck. What was the Faerie Queen doing tending a small shop in Altador, waiting for passers-by to peruse her employer’s selection of partially-eaten omelettes?

by cosmicfire918

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